Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Distro Updates and Beer Cannes!

Even though the film was finished a while ago, our work continues.  We are currently in the distribution seeking stage and wanted to give you guys a quick update as to where we are at.  We have brought on our business affairs and sales agent Factory Film Studios as well as Prince Films to help us shop around A Case of Deceit.  Since coming on board they have garnered us a number of potential sales avenues.  We are in talks for a VOD deal, a theatre run and a DVD deal.  We can't divulge specifics at this point but the prospects are very exciting.  

Also, recently Princ Films took ACOD to Cannes and had it showcased with one other film on it's slate.  People were very excited about the film and loved the poster.  We also were able to give out all the screeners that were taken to prospective buyers.  This is great news.  

We've even made a new VLOG episode to help explain!  Check it out now.

Follow us on twitter!
A Case of Deceit - @caseofdeceit
Adam Kirkey - @adamkirkey
Travis Laidlaw - @shastman
Factory Film Studios - @factory_film
Princ Films - @princfilms